Privacy Policy

Grease Monkey never keep any of your data unless necessary, however for the purposes of our own business activities we may retain any information for legal purposes.
This also includes credit/debit card details used in the purchase of products on our website. A gateway provider processes the transaction and customer credit card details. We will never hold credit card details within our databases.

Updating/Amending your Data

If at anytime your contact details or personal information change, please contact us at the veloboxes e-mail or telephone to amend this on your account. It is the account holder’s sole responsibility to ensure this is accurate and up to date.


We endeavour to respect your privacy and protect your data, however if you have any concerns about the way we handle this information or would like any further information please contact the veloboxes e-mail. We will aim to respond to your query as quickly as possible.


This Data Protection and Privacy policy applies solely to the data collected by us and does not apply to third parties and website that are not under our control, including any third party policies on your data protection and privacy. We make every effort to ensure our policies and statements are kept up to date and accurate, including all information provided on the website, however no legal responsibility is accepted for any omissions or errors contained within this policy.

If you wish to contact us regarding anything to do with your data protection and privacy, please contact us at the veloboxes e-mail.

Interested in having a VELOBOX near you. Let us know with the form below

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

We respect your privacy and will never pass on your details to anybody else.