Sustainability Statement


Grease Monkey puts sustainability at the front of our priorities for business. The current climate emergency drives everything we do. We want to genuinely create a more sustainable way of living, focusing on transportation in our daily lives and activities.

The UK government has set a Carbon Net Zero target by 2050 and to reduce emissions by 78% by 2035 compared to 1990 levels. One of the biggest challenges is to decarbonise transport and reduce fuel consumption.

Bicycles are energy efficient, do not contribute to noise pollution in urban environments and are a zero emission form of transport. The Velobox units physically provides 12 bike spaces within one car parking space (6 in each Velobox), whilst also hoping to promote cycling. We want to:

  • provide a unit to securely store your bike to encourage the purchase and use of bicycles over other uses of fuel powered transport.
  • promote a sustainable mode of transportation in urban environments
  • illustrate the efficiency of bike use in comparison to vehicles.
  • persuade institutions, communities and businesses to further endorse our ethos and encourage their people to adopt cycling to and from their locations.

Environmental Commitment

We recognise our operations, processes and manufacturing all have an impact on the environment, including the design we create. We are committed in our business operations and sustainable design to minimise impact of our activities on the natural environment. We are committed to:

  • conserving resources by ensuring energy efficiency in the units we design and supply
  • reducing waste generation at the source and encouraging recycling
  • specifying and promoting the use of recycled and recyclable materials in order to minimise consumption of natural resources
  • preventing pollution and minimising adverse impacts on the environment and communities -considering the environmental, social and financial costs of products or services over the life-cycle

Future Design

The unit has been made with simple frame geometry, refined connection and ergonomics for easy use and durability. The materiality has been minimised, whilst also providing the adequate security and robustness. We want to build a unit that is simple to install, maintain and to endure the inclement weather conditions and wear and tear to return maximum longevity. Grease Monkey are always refining it’s methods and processes in manufacturing and business to continually design for the future and provide the customer with their desired design.

The design is adaptable to fit the different uses, it can be altered to house buggies, scooters and mobility units where required, to bring a design that lasts and can live out future changes and requirements. To achieve genuine sustainability, we ‘make it last’.

Interested in having a VELOBOX near you. Let us know with the form below

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We respect your privacy and will never pass on your details to anybody else.